Issue Upgrades 2024

The issues page has gone through a major overhaul in 2024 to improve on many of the quality of life feature requests and be supported by our more performant platform.


On this page you can find details on each area of the issues ticket that was upgraded in 2024.

View this walkthrough for a comprehensive explanation of the new issue ticket!

Note: As we quickly iterate on feedback upon roll out, this story lane may be slightly out of sync with the latest look of the page, but we're prioritizing getting our best product in your hands first.


Main Body Content

  • Fields in main body now accept images

  • Auto-expansion as information is filed out in these fields

  • The fields show saved status. To save click out of the main body and verify with the "Saved" status.


This upgrade enables the user to view long form paragraphs that are often a result of disposition or issue descriptions. Viewing all the content at once time allows people to connect the dots and better ideate on solutions to the issue at hand. The save status finally will ensure that your hard work is not lost when interacting with these fields. It will also help facilitate printing of the issues page as information will not be hidden in scrolling viewports.

Content Side Bar

  • Greater accessibility to the items related to the issue ticket.

  • File preview when you click on attachments

  • Side rail selection is made obvious through color change

  • Hide the rail to support a clean containerized look for editing main body fields.


The side bar plays nicely into the new container styling the the issues page inherits. Quick access to items within the side bar allow for quicker referencing of those items within main body text. It also allows for a minimized scrolling experience on the screen.

Approvals Modal

  • Improved Approvals Modal Flow Indication

    • Steps for approval more apparent (Disposition and Resolution)

    • Movement through those steps made obvious

    • Clear indications of when you can and cannot do things

    • Status tool tips in the overflow menu of why states are accessible/ inaccessible at times

    • Approvals accessible without scrolling to the bottom of the history.


The modal surfacing what approval gate you are trying to pass through will inherently improve flow through the most streamlined process. This new flow also decreases the number of clicks needed to move an issue through its various states. Buttons from within the modal and better logic automatically update the issue's status. Tool tips give insight into why the ticket can or cannot be moves through different states decreasing user frustration and guiding what the expected next steps are.


  • Create redlines directly from the issues page in the redlines menu run step picker.

    • Adding a run step that is in TO DO here will move that step into redline.

    • Adding a run step that is in REDLINE will associate that redline with this issue ticket.

      • NOTE: Redlines that are already associated with another issue will not show up here as they are critical to solving that "other" issue. If you do need to change the association, you can do so from the run itself.

  • Redlines show all prior approved redlines associated with the issue as well as the open redlines on the issue. (Previous version only showed open redlines and did not include redline ID)

  • When passing through approval gates, any open redlines get approved as part of the issue approvals process! This feature has always been there, this is merely a reminder of such.

  • Better understand the progress being made on the issue by the Issue Status bar.

    • Move between statuses if you desire using the arrows at the end of bar.

      • Movement is dictated by the state you are in plus the disposition and approvals statuses.

Other Cards:


The redesigned cards allow for easier viewing of information related to the issue. In some cases they provide even more information than they used to while keeping the design minimal and allowing users to intuit what actions can be performed from the cards or dropdowns on the cards.

Other Functionality Improvements:

  • Resolve by step on the issue ticket can be assigned to the same step in which the issue was found. This will prevent the step from being worked on at all. Is the step selected is a step downstream of the step in which the issue was found, that step will not be able to be started until issue resolution occurs.

  • Containerization reduces eye fatigue and focuses users attention on long form issue descriptions.

  • Performance improvements such as time to load first content.

  • Outside Processing Steps (OSP) are brought to life with their POs being visible.

    • Irremovable label when the step the issue was found on is an OSP step

    • POs associated with parts are shown as a dropdown of that inventory

  • Further Actions will be able to be created directly from the Issue Page. This close relation will allow you to continue solving problems while not holding up the resolution of individual issue occurences.


With issue resolution being linked to the same run step in which the issue was found on, faster resolution of said issue can occur. This is the most stringent issue resolution timeframe ever made possible. Negate any risk by completely blocking progress. (Don't worry, we still have the flexibility to proceed on the run if you wish, just don't populate the field with the step the issue was found on!) Further Actions will be easily accessible to round out quality solutions and make including suppliers involved in OSP steps more visible within ION.

More to come:

  • ION Further actions are coming to support your CAPA needs! The ability to escalate and keep additional studies on-going when the original non-conformance is resolved bring huge value to ION

    • Collect Supplier Forms, perform quality runs, and facilitate continuous improvement projects within ION.

  • Inclusion of images to comments and better accessibility to comments on main screen.

Last updated