
In a fast-paced manufacturing environment, work instructions and test procedures will need to be updated to handle changing engineering requirements, and non-conformances, or to simply create faster and higher quality processes. Redlines allow Runs to be edited with full traceability and sign-off processes. Many times, redlines are even used to build out entire procedures in a build-as-you-fly manner.

Users must have a role with the createRedline and updateRedline to redline a run!

Starting a redline

Click the three dots indicator on the action bar to redline an existing step. Alternatively, use the redlines button in the run header to select a position where a new step can be added.

Redline existing step
Add a new step via redline, or view previous redlines

When adding a new step via redline, you can choose to link it directly to an issue. The issue persists when clicking Save and Add Another Step, allowing you to create a series of redlines related to an issue in quick succession. You can then find a step to add via the search and filters to narrow results to find the exact step you care about. For example, you can create a standard rework procedure that you can pull steps from in rapid succession to create many redlined steps that then get approved all at once using the new approval process.

Filter a step you are adding via Redline via many options and add the redline directly to an issue when creating it

If you choose not to select a step from the results menu, a new step will be created with the selected step type. As mentioned above, you can create entire runs from scratch without needing a procedure in a Build-as-You-Fly manner. These can then be saved back to a procedure later via the merging process.

In addition, you can you can select the precise position of the step to be added. If not selected, the step will be added to the end of the run.

Adding a new step details

Editing a step in redline

Steps in redlined states are indicated with a warning at the top of the step and a red pencil icon on the step queue on the left. When a step is in the redline state, the step content, fields, datagrid rows/columns, and values all may be edited, added, duplicated, or removed. Redline steps cannot be completed or failed. The redline may be canceled at any time to return the step to it's previous actionable condition.

Warning and indicator that a step is in redline
Duplicate a field

If a step is in redline, the dependencies attached to the step can be deleted. Both steps need to be in redline to add a dependency between them.

Redlining a standard step

In order to redline a standard step, first move the step to in progress. In doing this, ION will pull the latest version of the standard step. Then, move the step into Redline, and you will be able to make the desired changes.

Approving redline changes

Add reviewers through the multi-select user dropdown on the Review Redlines screen, and then add them as reviewers to the appropriate redlines.

Add reviewers in bulk
Select redlines per reviewer to approve

If you have been assigned as a reviewer, run steps that are in redline show up in the run header and can be viewed and approved in the Review Redlines pop up. In addition, check the Review Center in the top right next to your avatar to see all redlines waiting your approval.

Notification icon next to your avatar takes you to the review center

Each redline in the Review Redlines and Review Center will give you a live diff of the changes made to the redline as seen below, making it simpler to approve changes by just clicking "Expand Diff"!

Live Diff of changes made during the redline process

Once you have reviewed all of the redline updates, you can approve them, reject them, or simply add feedback for the original editor to use to update the redlines further.

  1. When assigned as a reviewer for multiple redlines, you may approve an individual redline on a run step or approve all redlines assigned to you to review in a single run. For example, if you are set to review five redlines in a run, you have the opportunity to review and approve them all at once at the bottom of the Review Redlines screen. We know our customers often create a sequence of redlines that are connected, and should be reviewed together before being approved collectively via this screen!

    Redline reviews allow you to review and approve many redlines on a single run at once
  2. If you have been assigned as a reviewer for merged redlines, approve all of the run steps that have merged redlines at once from the Review Center. This is for when you have merged a redline to dozens of other runs to ensure all of the changes get propagated to similar runs.

    Review Center where you can see redline merges and redlines assigned to you to review

See all of the comments and feedback for a given redline from the History and Merge screen. This screen shows all completed redlines and their complete history of changes and feedback that have been made to the step via the redline process as seen below.

Merging Redlines to a Procedure or to a Run

If you make a redline improvement to work instructions on a run, merging allows those improvements to be duplicated quickly into other similar runs and procedures. Imagine having 20 other runs that utilize the same set of instructions, merging allows you to bring them all up to date in one push. Run Steps and Procedure Steps you choose to merge to will automatically update to be identical to the source step when accepting the merge.

  1. A redline must be submitted before it can be merged from the redline History and Merge screen.

Merge submitted Redlines to other run steps or procedure steps
  1. Here you have multiple options to merge. If you chose to merge to a procedure, you have the option to merge to an existing step or merge to a new step at the end of procedure. If the procedure is not in a draft state, than a draft of that procedure will automatically be creating when merging to any step in that procedure.

Warning when merging to a released procedure

If the procedure chosen is not in draft, the merge feature will automatically create a new draft version to merge into.

  1. When merging to a run, you can select many different runs and steps to merge to. Before merging, you will have the opportunity to assign a reviewer to the merge which will allow that reviewer to approve all of the merges at once instead of approving each merged redline independently. Once the merge is complete, each destination run step will be placed in redline and mirror the source step. As with any redline, you will still have to approve and submit them, so we recommend selecting a reviewer before merging in order to have the option to approve them all at once as seen in the approval section above.

Select an approve before merging

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