ION Actions examples for Quality
Build custom quality workflows based on the type of issue
Prevent assigning of reviewers to an issue until required fields are filled out
"create_rule": {
"title": "Issue Can Not Be Put In Progress Without Disposition, Description, Department and Major Subsystem Filled Out",
"enabled": true,
"eventType": "CREATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"errorState": "BLOCK",
"code": "if (context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('status') in ['PENDING', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'IN_REVIEW', 'RESOLVED'] and any([not context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('disposition', []), context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('disposition') is not None and not any(True for item in context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('disposition', [{}]) if item.get('children') and any(True for child in item.get('children', [{}]) if child.get('text') or (child.get('children') and any(True for nested_child in child.get('children', [{}]) if nested_child.get('text') )) )), not context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('expectedCondition', {}), context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('expectedCondition') is not None and not any(True for item in context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('expectedCondition', [{}]) if item.get('children') and any(True for child in item.get('children', [{}]) if child.get('text') or (child.get('children') and any(True for nested_child in child.get('children', [{}]) if nested_child.get('text') )) )), not any([attr['value'] for attr in context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('attributes', [{}]) if attr['key'] == 'Department']), not any([attr['value'] for attr in context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('attributes', [{}]) if attr['key'] == 'Major Subsystem']) ])): raise ValidationError()",
"context": "{ issueApprovalRequests(filters: {id: {eq: $id}}){ edges{ node{ id issue{ title status expectedCondition disposition issueDispositionType{ title } partInventories { quantity serialNumber lotNumber } attributes { key value } } } } } }"
Open Redlines Prevent Moving Issue Into In Review
"create_rule": {
"title": "Open Redlines Prevent Moving Issue into In Review",
"target": "ISSUE",
"enabled": true,
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"code": "if context.get('issue', {}).get('status') in ['IN_REVIEW'] and context.get('issue', {}).get('redlines') is not None and not all(redline.get('step', {}).get('status', {}) in ['COMPLETE', 'CANCELED'] for redline in context.get('issue', {}).get('redlines')): raise ValidationError()",
"context": "{ issue(id: $id) { title status redlines { id step { status } } } }",
"errorState": "BLOCK"
No Permission To Reopen A Closed Issue
"create_rule": {
"title": "No Permissions to Control Reopening Issues (Need Quality Engineer, Quality Inspector, Reliability Engineer)",
"target": "ISSUE",
"enabled": true,
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"code": "if context.get('issue', {}).get('status', {}) in ['IN_REVIEW'] and context.get('changes', {}).get('issues', {}).get('status', {}).get('old', '') in ['resolved'] and not set(context.get('currentUser', {}).get('roles', {})).intersection(set(['Quality Engineer', 'Quality Inspector', 'Reliability Engineer', 'admin'])): raise ValidationError()",
"context": "{ issue(id: $id) { title status } }",
"errorState": "BLOCK"
Required Fields on Issue before Disposition is Approved
"create_rule": {
"title": "Issue Can Not Be Put In Progress Without Disposition, Part Inventory, Description, Department and Major Subsystem Filled Out",
"enabled": true,
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"eventType": "CREATE",
"code": "if (context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('status') in ['PENDING', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'IN_REVIEW', 'RESOLVED'] and any([not context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('disposition', []), context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('disposition') is not None and not any(True for item in context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('disposition', [{}]) if item.get('children') and any(True for child in item.get('children', [{}]) if child.get('text') or (child.get('children') and any(True for nested_child in child.get('children', [{}]) if nested_child.get('text') )) )), not context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('expectedCondition', {}), context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('expectedCondition') is not None and not any(True for item in context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('expectedCondition', [{}]) if item.get('children') and any(True for child in item.get('children', [{}]) if child.get('text') or (child.get('children') and any(True for nested_child in child.get('children', [{}]) if nested_child.get('text') )) )), not context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('partInventories', [{}]), not any([attr['value'] for attr in context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('attributes', [{}]) if attr['key'] == 'Department']), not any([attr['value'] for attr in context.get('issueApprovalRequests', {}).get('issue', {}).get('attributes', [{}]) if attr['key'] == 'Major Subsystem']) ])): raise ValidationError()",
"context": "{ issueApprovalRequests(filters: {id: {eq: $id}}){ edges{ node{ id issue{ title status expectedCondition disposition issueDispositionType{ title } partInventories { quantity serialNumber lotNumber } attributes { key value } } } } } }",
"errorState": "BLOCK"
Issues Cannot be Closed with an Interim Dispositions
"create_rule": {
"title": "Prevent Issue Tickets with Interim Disposition to transition from 'In Progress' to 'In Review'",
"target": "ISSUE",
"enabled": true,
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"code": "if context.get('issue', {}).get('status', {}) in ['IN_REVIEW', 'RESOLVED'] and context.get('issue', {}).get('issueDispositionType', {}).get('title', '') == 'Interim': raise ValidationError()",
"context": "{ issue(id: $id) { title status issueDispositionType { title } } }",
"errorState": "BLOCK"
Can't install a part to aBOM when text custom attribute is not null
"create_rule": {
"title": "Cannot Install on CAPA Part to aBOM",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"target": "ABOMITEM",
"enabled": true
"code": "if any(attr.get('key','') == 'On CAPA?' and attr.get('value',None) is not None for attr in context.get('abomItem',{}).get('part',{}).get('attributes',[{}])): raise ValidationError()",
"context": "{abomItem(id:$id){part{attributes{key value}}}}",
Can't kit a part while on CAPA
"create_rule": {
"title": "Cannot Add CAPA Part to Kit",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"eventType": "CREATE",
"target": "PARTKITITEM",
"code": "if any(attr.get('key','') == 'On CAPA?' and attr.get('value', None) is not None for attr in context.get('partKitItem',{}).get('part',{}).get('attributes',[{}])): raise ValidationError()",
"context": "{ partKitItem(id:$id){ part{ attributes{ key value } } } }",
"enabled": true
Issue Order of Approvals
First Approval
"create_rule": {
"title": "Engineer must approve first",
"target": "ISSUEAPPROVAL",
"enabled": true,
"eventType": "CREATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"errorState": "BLOCK",
"context": "{issueApprovals(filters:{id:{eq:$id}}) {edges{node{issueId issue{status approvalRequests{id status role{name}}}}}}}",
"code": "if context.get('issueApprovals', {}).get('issue', {}).get('issueDispositionType', {}).get('title', '') in ['Rework to Print', 'Repair', 'Retest'] and not any(approval.get('role', {}).get('name') == 'engineer' and approval.get('status') == 'APPROVED' for approval in context.get('issueApprovals', {}).get('issue', {}).get('approvalRequests', [])): raise ValidationError()"
Subsequent Approvals
"create_rule": {
"title": "Order of approvals is Engineer, Quality, then Planner",
"target": "ISSUEAPPROVAL",
"enabled": true,
"eventType": "CREATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"errorState": "BLOCK",
"context": "{issueApprovals(filters:{id:{eq:$id}}) {edges{node{issueId issue{status approvalRequests{id status role{name}}}}}}}",
"code": "if context.get('issueApprovals', {}).get('issue', {}).get('issueDispositionType', {}).get('title', '') in ['Rework to Print', 'Repair', 'Retest'] and any(approval.get('role', {}).get('name') == 'planner' and approval.get('status') == 'APPROVED' for approval in context.get('issueApprovals', {}).get('issue', {}).get('approvalRequests', [])) and not any(approval.get('role', {}).get('name') == 'quality' and approval.get('status') == 'APPROVED' for approval in context.get('issueApprovals', {}).get('issue', {}).get('approvalRequests', [])): raise ValidationError()"
Last updated
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