Access Tokens

Get and use access tokens to make API calls

Step 1 - Generate an API key

Follow the steps here to create an API key.

The API key will include a clientId and clientSecret.

Step 2 - Get an access token

Make the API call shown below and update the following variables:

  • CLIENT_ID: the clientId from the previous step

  • CLIENT_SECRET: the clientSecret from the previous step

  • AUTH_SERVER: The URI for the auth server (see table below)

$  curl -X POST \
        --data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
        -d "client_id=CLIENT_ID" \
        -d "client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET" \

Here is a script to get your access token via python. We also have our public repository linked below for some sample scripts.

We have a public repository published for some API queries via python scripts.

The below also shows a very basic python script to query runs from ION.

To use, replace the following:

  • ACCESS_TOKEN: the access token from the previous step

  • API_ENDPOINT: The API endpoint for each environment are listed in the table above.

import requests
from urllib.parse import urljoin

access_token = <ACCESS_TOKEN>
api_endpoint = <API_ENDPOINT>

headers = {
    'Authorization': f'{access_token}',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

GET_RUNS = '''
    runs(first: 10) {
        edges {
            node { id title
                steps {

query = {
    'query': GET_RUNS

res =, 'graphql'), headers=headers, json=query)

If you are using a tool like Postman or Insomnia, be sure to add a /graphql to your end point. Example:

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