ION Actions examples for Runs and Procedures
All Steps Need Dependencies:
"create_rule": {
"enabled": true,
"title": "Check if Step has dependencies",
"target": "PROCEDURE",
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"errorState": "ALLOW",
"context": "{ procedure(id: $id) { id steps{location{name} upstreamStepIds downstreamStepIds } } }",
"code": "if (context.get('changes', {}).get('procedures', {}).get('status', {}).get('new') == 'in_review' and any([step for step in context.get('procedure', {}).get('steps', []) if not (step.get('upstreamStepIds') or step.get('downstreamStepIds'))])): raise ValidationError()"
All Child Steps Need Dependencies:
"create_rule": {
"enabled": true,
"title": "Check if Child Step has dependencies",
"target": "PROCEDURE",
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"errorState": "ALLOW",
"context": "{ procedure (id: $id) { id steps { location { id } title isStandardStep steps { title isStandardStep downstreamStepIds upstreamStepIds location { name } } } } }",
"code": "if context.get('changes', {}).get('procedures', {}).get('status', {}).get('new') == 'in_review' and any([step for step in context.get('procedure', {}).get('steps', []) if 'steps' in step and len(step.get('steps', [])) > 1 and any([nested_step for nested_step in step.get('steps', []) if not nested_step.get('upstreamStepIds') and not nested_step.get('downstreamStepIds')])]): raise ValidationError()"
All Steps Need a Location
"create_rule": {
"enabled": true,
"title": "Check if Step has Location",
"target": "PROCEDURE",
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"errorState": "ALLOW",
"context": "{ procedure (id: $id) { id steps { location {name} title standardStepStatus steps { title standardStepStatus downstreamStepIds upstreamStepIds } } } }",
"code": "if context.get('changes', {}).get('procedures', {}).get('status', {}).get('new') == 'in_review' and [step for step in context.get('procedure', {}).get('steps', []) if step.get('location') is None and step.get('standardStepStatus') is None]: raise ValidationError()"
All Child Steps Need a Location
"create_rule": {
"enabled": true,
"title": "Check if Child Step has Location",
"target": "PROCEDURE",
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"errorState": "ALLOW",
"context": "{ procedure (id: $id) { id steps { location { id } title standardStepStatus steps { title standardStepStatus downstreamStepIds upstreamStepIds location { name } } } } }",
"code": "if context.get('changes', {}).get('procedures', {}).get('status', {}).get('new') == 'in_review' and any(nested_step for step in context.get('procedure', {}).get('steps', []) for nested_step in step.get('steps', []) if nested_step.get('standardStepStatus') is None and nested_step.get('location') is None): raise ValidationError()"
A Procedure can only move to ‘In Review’ when the correct reviewers from the correct teams have been added:
"create_rule": {
"enabled": true,
"title": "Procedure requires the correct teams to review",
"target": "PROCEDURE",
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"errorState": "ALLOW",
"context": "{ procedure (id: $id) { type attributes {key value} reviewRequests { id status reviewer { id teams { name } roles { name } } } } }",
"code": "if context.get('changes', {}).get('procedures', {}).get('status', {}).get('new') == 'in_review' and [attributes for attributes in context.get('procedure',{}).get('attribute', {}) if context.get('attribute', {}).get('key') == 'Procedure Type' and context.get('attribute', {}).get('value') == 'Build'] and not (any('Responsible Engineer' in team.get('name', '') for reviewer in context.get('procedure', {}).get('reviewRequests', []) for team in reviewer.get('reviewer', {}).get('teams', [{}])) and any('Production' in team.get('name', '') for reviewer in context.get('procedure', {}).get('reviewRequests', []) for team in reviewer.get('reviewer', {}).get('teams', [{}])) and any('Mission Assurance' in team.get('name', '') for reviewer in context.get('procedure', {}).get('reviewRequests', []) for team in reviewer.get('reviewer', {}).get('teams', [{}]))): raise ValidationError()"
Check if the custom attribute ‘Procedure Type’ is filled out
"create_rule": {
"enabled": true,
"title": "Procedure Type must be filled out",
"target": "PROCEDURE",
"eventType": "UPDATE",
"ruleType": "VALIDATION",
"errorState": "ALLOW",
"context": "{ procedure(id: $id) { status, attributes { key, value } } }",
"code": "if context.get('changes', {}).get('procedures', {}).get('status', {}).get('new') == 'in_review' and any(attributes for attributes in context.get('procedure',{}).get('attributes', {}) if attributes.get('key') == 'Procedure Type' and attributes.get('value') is None): raise ValidationError()"
Last updated
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