Tool Utilization

Set up tools in ION and track where they are being used

Effective tool utilization is a key element to guarantee process integrity and product quality through manufacturing cycles.

Understanding which tool was utilized to complete a specific operation is essential in a regulated industry.

More important, guaranteeing the processes in place are enforced and the utilization of a compliant tool and assembly hardware is hard requirement for an operation guarantees success.

ION Tool Requirements Features include the following:

  • Ability to set optional or required tools at a step level

  • Ability to set tool validations at tool selection level, such as specifying the exact tool that must be used for an operation

See Diagram 1 below:

How to Implement Tool Requirements in ION:

Step 1: Complete Tool/Operation Analysis

  • List all operations in your manufacturing process.

  • Identify and list all tools required to perform your manufacturing operations

  • Map each operation with their corresponding tool requirement(s)

Step 2: Complete Tool Maintenance Analysis

  • Identify and list the maintenance cycle and criteria for each tool necessary for your manufacturing processes.

Step 3: Incorporate all Tool requirements and validations identified during the Tool/Operation analysis into the necessary ION procedures.

  • Create a Field Type: Tool at each step/operation necessary. See Image 1 below:

  • Set the proper validations and requirements for the tool field. This is the stage where you tell ION if a tool MUST be used for an operation, if so, which tool(s) can be used.

By completing the above tasks, your organization will:

  • Identify any gaps between your tool inventory and operation requirements

  • Enforce the utilization of a tool at an operation level

Tool Visualization in ION

  • Track the following Tool Inventory attributes via ION Analytics:

    • Tool

    • Serial Number

    • Location

    • Service Due Date

    • Last Service Date

    • Service Interval

    • URI - Universal Resource Identifier

    • Status - Available/Unavailable

Tool Management Reports

  • Automate the delivery of tool inventory reports based on specific parameters, such as cadence or specific conditions. For example:

    • Get a weekly report on all your tools automatically sent to the tool manager in your organization.

    • Never miss a calibration or maintenance date for your tool inventory by get a report of tools 2 weeks prior to their service due date.

    • Get a report of the tool inventory that is currently unavailable and requires maintenance and/or re-calibration.

    • Get a report of tools that have been 'Unavailable' for a certain period of time.

Future Development:

  • Automatically kick off a maintenance run for a tool based on its 'Service Due Date'

  • Automatically adjust the 'Last Service Date' for a tool after completing a Maintenance run for a tool.

The latter is a process that can be implemented through an automation. Reach out to us if interested!

Last updated