Full Glossary of ION Permissions

Every permission in ION, along with a description of what they do.

  • addHeaderToWebhookReceiver: Permits the user to add headers to a webhook receiver configuration.

  • addInputToPlan: Permits the user to add inputs to a plan.

  • addInventoryToPurchaseOrderLine: Permits the user to add inventory to a purchase order line.

  • addItemsToReceipt: Permits the user to add items to a receipt from the purchase order, or by adding without PO.

  • addLabelToItem: Permits the user to add labels to an item (run, procedure, kit, etc).

  • addLabelToProcedureFamily: Permits the user to add labels to a procedure family.

  • addPartInventoryToRunStep: Permits the user to add part inventory to a run step.

  • addPartsToKitFromMbom: Permits the user to add parts to a kit from a manufacturing bill of materials (MBOM), i.e. using the button on the kits screen.

  • addPlanItemToPlan: Permits the user to add plan items to a plan in the results table, i.e. if not already added via the plan inputs.

  • addRequirementToItem: Permits the user to add requirements to an item; i.e. adding terms to a PO.

  • addResultToPlanItem: Permits the user to add results to a plan item.

  • addSubtypeToPart: Permits the user to add subtypes to a part (i.e. Tool)

  • addUserToTeam: Permits the user to add users to a team.

  • archiveRun: Permits the user to archive a run.

  • attachPermissionGroupToRole: Permits the user to attach permission groups to a role (perform RBAC actions).

  • attachRoleToTeam: Permits the user to attach roles to a team.

  • attachRoleToUser: Permits the user to attach roles to a user.

  • cancelRun: Permits the user to cancel a run.

  • cancelRunStepRedline: Permits the user to cancel a redline.

  • checkIn: Permits the user to check in to a run.

  • checkOut: Permits the user to check out of a run.

  • cloneProcedure: Permits the user to clone a procedure.

  • convertResultsFromPlanItem: Permits the user to convert results from a plan item.

  • convertResultsFromPlanItems: Permits the user to convert results from multiple plan items.

  • copyField: Permits the user to copy a field in a step.

  • copyStandardStep: Permits the user to copy a standard step.

  • copyStep: Permits the user to copy a step.

  • copyStepToRun: Permits the user to copy a step to a run.

  • createAbomForPartInventory: Permits the user to create an assembled bill of materials (ABOM) for part inventory.

  • createAbomInstallation: Permits the user to create an ABOM installation.

  • createApiKey: Permits the user to create an API key.

  • createAsset: Permits the user to add an asset on a run or procedure (i.e. file attachment).

  • createBarcodeLabel: Permits the user to create a barcode label from Inventory, Kits, or Locations.

  • createBarcodePattern: Permits the user to create a new barcode pattern in the organization settings.

  • createBarcodePrintRequest: Permits the user to generate a print request specific to barcodes.

  • createBarcodeTemplate: Permits the user to create a barcode template in the organization settings.

  • createBuildRequirement: Permits the user to create a build requirement for an aBOM.

  • createBuildRequirementReferenceDesignator: Permits the user to create a build requirement reference designator for an aBOM.

  • createBuildRequirementSubstitute: Permits the user to create a build requirement substitute for an aBOM.

  • createComment: Permits the user to write comments in ION.

  • createContact: Permits the user to create a contact.

  • createCurrency: Permits the user to create a currency (API only for now).

  • createDatagridColumn: Permits the user to create a datagrid column in a datagrid step.

  • createDatagridRow: Permits the user to create a datagrid row in a datagrid step.

  • createFileAttachment: Permits the user to upload a file attachment.

  • createIntegration: Permits the user to create a new integration.

  • createInvite: Permits the user to invite another person to ION.

  • createIssue: Permits the user to create an issue ticket.

  • createIssueApproval: Permits the user to approve an Issue.

  • createIssueApprovalRequest: Permits the user to ask someone to approve an Issue.

  • createIssueDispositionType: Permits the user to create an issue disposition type in the organization settings.

  • createIssueDispositionTypeRole: Permits the user to select the type of role that can approve a certain disposition on an issue.

  • createIssuePartInventory: Permits the user to link part inventory to an issue.

  • createIssueRelation: Permits the user to add related issues.

  • createIssues: Permits the user to bulk create issues.

  • createKitForRun: Permits the user to create a kit from a run.

  • createLabel: Permits the user to create a label to tag a kit, procedure, run, etc.

  • createLocation: Permits the user to create a new location.

  • createLocationSubtype: Permits the user to create a location subtype.

  • createMbom: Permits the user to create a manufacturing bill of materials (MBOM).

  • createMbomApproval: Permits the user to approve an mBOM.

  • createMbomApprovalRequest: Permits the user to request the approval of an mBOM.

  • createMbomApprovalRole: Permits the user to add roles to approve to mBOM.

  • createMbomItem: Permits the user to add parts to an Mbom.

  • createMbomItemReferenceDesignator: Permits the user to add reference designators to mBOM items.

  • createMbomSubstitute: Permits the user to add substitutes to mBOM items.

  • createMbomSubstitutes: Permits the user to add more than one substitute to an mBOM item.

  • createMrpJob: Permits the user to create a material requirements planning (MRP) job in Autoplan.

  • createMultipleMbomItems: Permits the user to import an mBOM.

  • createOrganizationGlobalUniqueSerialNumberScheme: Permits the user to create a serial number scheme for the organization.

  • createOrganizationPartRevisionScheme: Permits the user to create a part revision scheme for the organization.

  • createPart: Permits the user to create a new Part Library item.

  • createPartInventories: Permits the user to bulk create part inventories.

  • createPartInventory: Permits the user to create a part inventory.

  • createPartKit: Permits the user to create a part kit.

  • createPartKitItem: Permits the user to add parts to a kit.

  • createPartProcedure: Permits the user to create a part-procedure relationship.

  • createPartRevision: Permits the user to create a part revision.

  • createPartSubtype: Permits the user to create a part subtype. Used for Tools.

  • createPartSupplier: Permits the user to create a part supplier.

  • createPlan: Permits the user to create a plan.

  • createPlanItem: Permits the user to create a plan item.

  • createPlanItemAllocation: Permits the user to create a plan item allocation.

  • createPlanReservation: Permits the user to create a plan reservation.

  • createProcedure: Permits the user to create a procedure.

  • createProcedureVersion: Permits the user to create a version of a procedure.

  • createPurchaseOrder: Permits the user to create a purchase order.

  • createPurchaseOrderApproval: Permits the user to approve a purchaser order.

  • createPurchaseOrderApprovalRequest: Permits the user to ask another user to approve a purchase order.

  • createPurchaseOrderFee: Permits the user to add a purchase order fee to their PO.

  • createPurchaseOrderLine: Permits the user to create a purchase order line.

  • createReceipt: Permits the user to create a receipt.

  • createRedlineApproval: Permits the user to approve a redline on a run.

  • createRedlineApprovalRequest: Permits the user to ask another user to approve redlines.

  • createRequirement: Permits the user to create a requirement for purchasing.

  • createReview: Permits the user to create a review (via mBOMs, Issues, Procedures, etc).

  • createReviewRequest: Permits the user to create a review request.

  • createRole: Permits the user to create a new role.

  • createRule: Permits the user to create a new rule.

  • createRun: Permits the user to create a new run.

  • createRunBatch: Permits the user to create a run batch.

  • createRunStep: Permits the user to create a run step.

  • createRunStepEdge: Permits the user to create a run step dependency.

  • createRunStepField: Permits the user to create a run step field.

  • createRunStepFieldValidation: Permits the user to add a run step field validation.

  • createRuns: Permits the user to bulk create runs.

  • createStandardStepVersion: Permits the user to create a new version of a standard step.

  • createStep: Permits the user to create a new step in a procedure.

  • createStepApproval: Permits the user to create a step approval.

  • createStepApprovalRequest: Permits the user to create a step approval request.

  • createStepEdge: Permits the user to create a step dependency.

  • createStepField: Permits the user to create a step field.

  • createStepFieldValidation: Permits the user to create a step field validation.

  • createStepMbomItemAssociation: Permits the user to create an association between a step and an MBOM item.

  • createSupplier: Permits the user to create a new supplier in the purchasing module.

  • createTeam: Permits the user to create a new team.

  • createUnitOfMeasurement: Permits the user to create a new unit of measurement.

  • createUserSubscription: Permits the user to subscribe themselves or a user to something in ION.

  • createWebhookHeader: Permits the user to create a webhook header.

  • createWebhookReceiver: Permits the user to create a webhook receiver.

  • createWebhookSubscription: Permits the user to create a webhook subscription.

  • deleteAbomInstallation: Permits the user to delete an ABOM installation.

  • deleteApiKey: Permits the user to delete an API key.

  • deleteAsset: Permits the user to delete an asset such as a file attachment.

  • deleteBarcodePattern: Permits the user to delete a barcode pattern.

  • deleteBuildRequirement: Permits the user to delete a build requirement.

  • deleteBuildRequirementReferenceDesignator: Permits the user to delete a build requirement reference designator.

  • deleteBuildRequirementSubstitute: Permits the user to delete a build requirement substitute.

  • deleteComment: Permits the user to delete a comment.

  • deleteContact: Permits the user to delete a contact.

  • deleteCurrency: Permits the user to delete a currency.

  • deleteDatagridColumn: Permits the user to delete a datagrid column.

  • deleteDatagridRow: Permits the user to delete a datagrid row.

  • deleteFileAttachment: Permits the user to delete a file attachment.

  • deleteIntegration: Permits the user to delete an integration.

  • deleteIssueApprovalRequest: Permits the user to delete an issue approval request.

  • deleteIssueDispositionType: Permits the user to delete an issue disposition type.

  • deleteIssueDispositionTypeRole: Permits the user to delete an issue disposition type role.

  • deleteIssuePartInventory: Permits the user to delete an issue part inventory.

  • deleteIssueRelation: Permits the user to delete an issue relation.

  • deleteLabel: Permits the user to delete a label.

  • deleteLocation: Permits the user to delete a location.

  • deleteLocationSubtype: Permits the user to delete a location subtype.

  • deleteMbom: Permits the user to delete an MBOM.

  • deleteMbomApprovalRequest: Permits the user to delete an MBOM approval request.

  • deleteMbomApprovalRole: Permits the user to delete an MBOM approval role.

  • deleteMbomItem: Permits the user to delete an MBOM item.

  • deleteMbomItemReferenceDesignator: Permits the user to delete an MBOM item reference designator.

  • deleteMbomSubstitute: Permits the user to delete an MBOM substitute.

  • deleteOrganizationGlobalUniqueSerialNumberScheme: Permits the user to delete a global unique serial number scheme for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationIssueAttributes: Permits the user to delete issue attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationLocationAttributes: Permits the user to delete location attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationMbomAttributes: Permits the user to delete MBOM attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationPartAttributes: Permits the user to delete part attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationPartInventoryAttributes: Permits the user to delete part inventory attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationPartKitAttributes: Permits the user to delete part kit attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationPartKitItemAttributes: Permits the user to delete part kit item attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationPartRevisionScheme: Permits the user to delete a part revision scheme for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationPlanAttributes: Permits the user to delete plan attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationProcedureAttributes: Permits the user to delete procedure attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationPurchaseOrderAttributes: Permits the user to delete purchase order attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationPurchaseOrderLineAttributes: Permits the user to delete purchase order line attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationReceiptAttributes: Permits the user to delete receipt attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationRunAttributes: Permits the user to delete run attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationRunStepAttributes: Permits the user to delete run step attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationStepAttributes: Permits the user to delete step attributes for the organization.

  • deleteOrganizationSupplierAttributes: Permits the user to delete supplier attributes for the organization.

  • deletePart: Permits the user to delete a part.

  • deletePartInventory: Permits the user to delete part inventory.

  • deletePartInventoryBuildRequirement: Permits the user to delete a build requirement from part inventory.

  • deletePartKit: Permits the user to delete a part kit.

  • deletePartKitItem: Permits the user to delete a part kit item.

  • deletePartProcedure: Permits the user to delete a part procedure.

  • deletePartSubtype: Permits the user to delete a part subtype.

  • deletePartSupplier: Permits the user to delete a part supplier.

  • deletePlan: Permits the user to delete a plan.

  • deletePlanItem: Permits the user to delete a plan item.

  • deletePlanItemAllocation: Permits the user to delete a plan item allocation.

  • deletePlanReservation: Permits the user to delete a plan reservation.

  • deleteProcedure: Permits the user to delete a procedure.

  • deletePurchaseOrder: Permits the user to delete a purchase order.

  • deletePurchaseOrderApprovalRequest: Permits the user to delete a purchase order approval request.

  • deletePurchaseOrderFee: Permits the user to delete a purchase order fee.

  • deletePurchaseOrderLine: Permits the user to delete a purchase order line.

  • deleteReceipt: Permits the user to delete a receipt.

  • deleteRedlineApprovalRequest: Permits the user to delete a redline approval request.

  • deleteRequirement: Permits the user to delete a requirement.

  • deleteReviewRequest: Permits the user to delete a review request.

  • deleteRole: Permits the user to delete a role.

  • deleteRule: Permits the user to delete a rule.

  • deleteRunStep: Permits the user to delete a run step.

  • deleteRunStepEdge: Permits the user to delete a run step edge.

  • deleteRunStepField: Permits the user to delete a run step field.

  • deleteRunStepFieldValidation: Permits the user to delete a run step field validation.

  • deleteStep: Permits the user to delete a step.

  • deleteStepApprovalRequest: Permits the user to delete a step approval request.

  • deleteStepEdge: Permits the user to delete a step edge.

  • deleteStepField: Permits the user to delete a step field.

  • deleteStepFieldValidation: Permits the user to delete a step field validation.

  • deleteStepMbomItemAssociation: Permits the user to delete an association between a step and an MBOM item.

  • deleteSupplier: Permits the user to delete a supplier.

  • deleteTeam: Permits the user to delete a team.

  • deleteUnitOfMeasurement: Permits the user to delete a unit of measurement.

  • deleteUserSubscription: Permits the user to delete a user subscription.

  • deleteWebhookHeader: Permits the user to delete a webhook header.

  • deleteWebhookReceiver: Permits the user to delete a webhook receiver.

  • deleteWebhookSubscription: Permits the user to delete a webhook subscription.

  • detachPermissionGroupFromRole: Permits the user to detach a permission group from a role.

  • detachRoleFromTeam: Permits the user to detach a role from a team.

  • detachRoleFromUser: Permits the user to detach a role from a user.

  • dispatchNotification: Permits the user to dispatch notifications.

  • generateReadEmbeddedAnalytics: Permits the user to generate read operations for embedded analytics.

  • generateRunSummary: Permits the user to generate a summary of a run.

  • generateWriteEmbeddedAnalytics: Permits the user to generate write operations for embedded analytics.

  • importStepsFromPdf: Permits the user to import steps from a PDF document.

  • installKitOnAbom: Permits the user to install a kit on an assembled bill of materials (ABOM).

  • issueItemToKit: Permits the user to issue an item to a kit.

  • mergePartInventory: Permits the user to merge part inventory.

  • mergeRunStep: Permits the user to merge a run step.

  • mergeRunStepToProcedure: Permits the user to merge a run step into a procedure.

  • mergeRunStepToRuns: Permits the user to merge a run step into runs.

  • moveItemToInventory: Permits the user to move an item to inventory.

  • moveKitInventoryToLocation: Permits the user to move kit inventory to a location.

  • removeHeaderFromWebhookReceiver: Permits the user to remove a header from a webhook receiver.

  • removeInputFromPlan: Permits the user to remove an input from a plan.

  • removeInventoryFromPurchaseOrderLine: Permits the user to remove inventory from a purchase order line.

  • removeInventoryFromReceipt: Permits the user to remove inventory from a receipt.

  • removeItemFromReceipt: Permits the user to remove an item from a receipt.

  • removeLabelFromItem: Permits the user to remove a label from an item.

  • removeLabelFromProcedureFamily: Permits the user to remove a label from a procedure family.

  • removePartInventoryFromRunStep: Permits the user to remove part inventory from a run step.

  • removePlanItemFromPlan: Permits the user to remove a plan item from a plan.

  • removeRequirementFromItem: Permits the user to remove a requirement from an item.

  • removeResultFromPlanItem: Permits the user to remove a result from a plan item.

  • removeSubtypeFromPart: Permits the user to remove a subtype from a part.

  • removeUserFromTeam: Permits the user to remove a user from a team.

  • reorderDatagridColumn: Permits the user to reorder datagrid columns.

  • reorderDatagridRow: Permits the user to reorder datagrid rows.

  • reorderPurchaseOrderLine: Permits the user to reorder purchase order lines.

  • reorderRunStepFields: Permits the user to reorder run step fields.

  • reorderRunSteps: Permits the user to reorder run steps.

  • reorderStepFields: Permits the user to reorder step fields.

  • reorderSteps: Permits the user to reorder steps.

  • resendInvite: Permits the user to resend an invitation to someone in ION.

  • resetIssueApprovals: Permits the user to reset issue approvals.

  • revokeInvite: Permits the user to revoke an invitation to ION.

  • runStepDatagridOperations: Permits the user to perform datagrid operations on a run step.

  • setDatagridValue: Permits the user to set the value of a datagrid cell.

  • splitManyPartInventory: Permits the user to split multiple part inventories.

  • splitPartInventory: Permits the user to split part inventory.

  • splitUnfulfilledPartKit: Permits the user to split an unfulfilled part kit.

  • stepDatagridOperations: Permits the user to perform datagrid operations on a step.

  • updateAbomInstallation: Permits the user to update an ABOM installation.

  • updateApiKey: Permits the user to update an API key.

  • updateBarcodeLabel: Permits the user to update a barcode label.

  • updateBarcodePattern: Permits the user to update a barcode pattern.

  • updateBarcodeTemplate: Permits the user to update a barcode template.

  • updateBuildRequirement: Permits the user to update a build requirement.

  • updateBuildRequirementReferenceDesignator: Permits the user to update a build requirement reference designator.

  • updateBuildRequirementSubstitute: Permits the user to update a build requirement substitute.

  • updateComment: Permits the user to update a comment.

  • updateContact: Permits the user to update a contact.

  • updateCurrency: Permits the user to update a currency.

  • updateDatagridColumn: Permits the user to update a datagrid column.

  • updateDatagridRow: Permits the user to update a datagrid row.

  • updateInputToPlan: Permits the user to update an input to a plan.

  • updateIntegration: Permits the user to update an integration.

  • updateIssue: Permits the user to update an issue.

  • updateIssueApproval: Permits the user to update an issue approval.

  • updateIssueApprovalRequest: Permits the user to update an issue approval request.

  • updateIssueAttribute: Permits the user to update an issue attribute.

  • updateIssueDispositionType: Permits the user to update an issue disposition type.

  • updateIssueDispositionTypeRole: Permits the user to update an issue disposition type role.

  • updateLabel: Permits the user to update a label.

  • updateLocation: Permits the user to update a location.

  • updateLocationAttribute: Permits the user to update a location attribute.

  • updateLocationSubtype: Permits the user to update a location subtype.

  • updateMbom: Permits the user to update an MBOM.

  • updateMbomApproval: Permits the user to update an MBOM approval.

  • updateMbomApprovalRequest: Permits the user to update an MBOM approval request.

  • updateMbomApprovalRole: Permits the user to update an MBOM approval role.

  • updateMbomAttribute: Permits the user to update an MBOM attribute.

  • updateMbomItem: Permits the user to update an MBOM item.

  • updateMbomItemReferenceDesignator: Permits the user to update an MBOM item reference designator.

  • updateMrpJob: Permits the user to update a material requirements planning (MRP) job.

  • updateOrganization: Permits the user to update organization details.

  • updateOrganizationGlobalUniqueSerialNumberScheme: Permits the user to update a global unique serial number scheme for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationIssueAttributes: Permits the user to update issue attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationLocationAttributes: Permits the user to update location attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationMbomAttributes: Permits the user to update MBOM attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationPartAttributes: Permits the user to update part attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationPartInventoryAttributes: Permits the user to update part inventory attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationPartKitAttributes: Permits the user to update part kit attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationPartKitItemAttributes: Permits the user to update part kit item attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationPartRevisionScheme: Permits the user to update a part revision scheme for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationPlanAttributes: Permits the user to update plan attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationProcedureAttributes: Permits the user to update procedure attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationPurchaseOrderAttributes: Permits the user to update purchase order attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationPurchaseOrderLineAttributes: Permits the user to update purchase order line attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationReceiptAttributes: Permits the user to update receipt attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationRunAttributes: Permits the user to update run attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationRunStepAttributes: Permits the user to update run step attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationStepAttributes: Permits the user to update step attributes for the organization.

  • updateOrganizationSupplierAttributes: Permits the user to update supplier attributes for the organization.

  • updatePart: Permits the user to update a part.

  • updatePartAttribute: Permits the user to update a part attribute.

  • updatePartInventory: Permits the user to update part inventory.

  • updatePartInventoryAttribute: Permits the user to update a part inventory attribute.

  • updatePartKit: Permits the user to update a part kit.

  • updatePartKitAttribute: Permits the user to update a part kit attribute.

  • updatePartKitItem: Permits the user to update a part kit item.

  • updatePartKitItemAttribute: Permits the user to update a part kit item attribute.

  • updatePartProcedure: Permits the user to update a part procedure.

  • updatePartSubtype: Permits the user to update a part subtype.

  • updatePartSupplier: Permits the user to update a part supplier.

  • updatePlan: Permits the user to update a plan.

  • updatePlanAttribute: Permits the user to update a plan attribute.

  • updatePlanItem: Permits the user to update a plan item.

  • updatePlanItemAllocation: Permits the user to update a plan item allocation.

  • updatePlanReservation: Permits the user to update a plan reservation.

  • updateProcedure: Permits the user to update a procedure.

  • updateProcedureAttribute: Permits the user to update a procedure attribute.

  • updatePurchaseOrder: Permits the user to update a purchase order.

  • updatePurchaseOrderApproval: Permits the user to update a purchase order approval.

  • updatePurchaseOrderApprovalRequest: Permits the user to update a purchase order approval request.

  • updatePurchaseOrderAttribute: Permits the user to update a purchase order attribute.

  • updatePurchaseOrderFee: Permits the user to update a purchase order fee.

  • updatePurchaseOrderLine: Permits the user to update a purchase order line.

  • updatePurchaseOrderLineAttribute: Permits the user to update a purchase order line attribute.

  • updateReceipt: Permits the user to update a receipt.

  • updateReceiptAttribute: Permits the user to update a receipt attribute.

  • updateReceiptItem: Permits the user to update a receipt item.

  • updateRedline: Permits the user to update a redline.

  • updateRedlineApproval: Permits the user to update a redline approval.

  • updateRedlineApprovalRequest: Permits the user to update a redline approval request.

  • updateRequirement: Permits the user to update a requirement.

  • updateReview: Permits the user to update a review.

  • updateReviewRequest: Permits the user to update a review request.

  • updateRole: Permits the user to update a role's name.

  • updateRule: Permits the user to update a rule (i.e. via the API)

  • updateRun: Permits the user to update a run's information.

  • updateRunAttribute: Permits the user to update a run attribute.

  • updateRunBatch: Permits the user to update a run batch.

  • updateRunStep: Permits the user to update a run step, which includes changing the status of the run step.

  • updateRunStepAttribute: Permits the user to update a run step attribute.

  • updateRunStepField: Permits the user to update a run step field.

  • updateRunStepFieldValidation: Permits the user to update run step field validation.

  • updateRunStepFieldValue: Permits the user to update the value of a run step field.

  • updateRuns: Permits the user to update multiple runs.

  • updateSession: Permits the user to update a checkIn/checkOut event.

  • updateStep: Permits the user to update step content in a procedure.

  • updateStepApproval: Permits the user to update a step approval.

  • updateStepApprovalRequest: Permits the user to update a step approval request.

  • updateStepAttribute: Permits the user to update a step custom attribute in a procedure.

  • updateStepField: Permits the user to update a step field in a procedure.

  • updateStepFieldValidation: Permits the user to update a step field validation in a procedure.

  • updateStepMbomItemAssociation: Permits the user to update an association between a step and an MBOM item.

  • updateSupplier: Permits the user to update a supplier and the supplier's contact information.

  • updateSupplierAttribute: Permits the user to update a supplier's custom attributes.

  • updateTeam: Permits the user to update a team by adding roles to it.

  • updateUnitOfMeasurement: Permits the user to update a unit of measurement in the organization settings.

  • updateUser: Permits the user to update a user's profile and settings. Typically, you can only update your own user profile.

  • updateUserNotification: Permits the user to update user notifications.

  • updateWebhookHeader: Permits the user to update a webhook header.

  • updateWebhookReceiver: Permits the user to update a webhook receiver.

  • updateWebhookSubscription: Permits the user to update a webhook subscription.

Last updated

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