
Tightly integrate your quality management processes with manufacturing

As part of our Factory OS, ION leverage its Issues module to provide quality management while being tightly integrated into production. With Issues, manufacturers can:

  • Capture data about problems in hardware builds

  • Isolate nonconforming parts and prevent quality escapes

  • Track and enforce decisions made the Material Review Board

  • Trace material through complicated repair and Return Merchandise Authorization processes

  • Identify opportunities for process improvement

  • Assign team members to drive issues and their associated dispositions

Issue Creation

Learn how to create issues and associate items with those issues during the creation process!

Issue Layout

The issue page is divided several major parts.

The header contains the issue title, labels, subscribed users and a badge indicating the disposition.

The issue status, comments and signoffs are accessible through the top right of the header.

The left side contains all data entry about the issue itself, such as what was expected, what the problem was, and what steps are linked to resolve the problem.

The right side has all connections the issue makes to other places in ION like Runs, Inventory and related issues.

At the bottom right are organization-configurable Custom Attributes.

Issues on Inventory

Inventory can be linked to issues to indicate manufacturing errors, damage, or other problems.

Inventory can be linked to issues in the following ways:

  • Issues can be created directly from Inventory from the Inventory and Purchases menus

  • If an issue is made from a run with a linked inventory, that inventory is automatically linked to the issue

Issues can be linked multiple inventory items at the same time to allow you to process and disposition identical problems under one issue ticket.

Issues can be also opened on tool inventory.

Issues on Runs

Issues can also be linked to runs in multiple ways.

  • When an issue is made from a run or from failing a step, the run is automatically linked.

  • Redlines can be linked to steps on runs to indicate work associated with the issue

  • When making an issue manually, you can add a run and step where the problem was found.

  • Issues have a Must Close By field that, when set, blocks run progress based on the issue’s status.

Issue Statuses

Issues can be moved through four states to track resolution as seen below. Navigate to our Issue States, Dispositions and Resolutions page for more information.

  • Pending

  • In Progress

  • In Review

  • Resolved

Issue Redlines

Redlines can be linked to issues to indicate changes made to work instructions or processes. Redlined steps linked to an issue will be listed on the issue page. The redline diff on Run Summary will also indicate if the redline was made in response to an issue.

When an issue is moved from Pending to In Progress, any redlines linked to the issue will be released

Blocking Progress on Runs

Issues may block progress on runs by setting the “Must Close By” field on an issue. When set, the linked run step cannot be started until the issue is resolved.

Issue Indicators

Issues are indicated across ION by a warning sign (⚠️) and an orange badge.

Objects in ION with issues will display the issue badge and show a numeric count of issues attached to that object in a “M / N” format

  • The first number indicates the number of unresolved issues on that object

  • The second number indicates the total number of issues on that object.

You can click on the issue badge to see more information about the linked issues and navigate to them

When all linked issues are resolved, the issue badge will turn green.

Check out the upgrades that we made to the issue ticket in Q2 of 2024 on the next page!

Last updated