
Webhooks allow you to get realtime event information from ION, as soon as it happens.

What are Webhooks?

Check out this post on Webhooks, why they're important, and what you might be able to do with them: https://www.chargebee.com/blog/what-are-webhooks-explained/

Allow List IP Addresses

Heads up, if the service the webhook is accessing sits behind a firewall you will need to allow list the appropriate IP addresses of our webhook servers. Below is a table of each enviornment and its associated IP addresses. Webhooks must use HTTPS.


IP Addresses











Use cases with ION Webhooks

  • Create a non-conformance in your own QA system when an ION run has a problem

  • Turn on environment monitoring systems once a run starts at a given workcenter

  • Alert your ERP system once a Purchase Order is placed in ION

  • Alert your inventory system once a part is received in ION

  • Automatically run an asynchronous validation once data is input to a specific field in ION

How to use Webhooks in ION

Basic concepts

ION Webhooks have a few models:

  • Receivers - Registered endpoints (e.g. your servers) that receive Webhooks on-event in ION

  • Subscriptions - The action and resource pairs that define what events a webhook is listening for. For example, you can subscribe to events like procedures that are created

  • Events - An audit record of all of the events that have been fired from ION from your Webhook subscriptions to your receivers. Think of this as an audit trail.

Types of Events

Now that you understand the basic terminology, you will want to know what types of events you can subscribe to with any receiver. In order to find our exhaustive list of events you can subscribe to, head over to the interactive API explorer and look for WebhookSubscription! Once there, you will want to click on ResourceEnum and WebhookSubscriptionActions

  • WebhookSubscriptionActions - Here you can determine if you want to subscribe to when objects in ION are updated, created, or deleted

  • ResourceEnum - List of all of the potential objects in ION that can you will want to monitor changes too

For example, if I subscribe to the resource ISSUES and the action CREATE, then I will get a webhook every time a new issue is created which I can then send to Microsoft Teams to notify the quality team using a script or an automation.

Quick example to set up your first Webhook

The following example creates a receiver for the webhook to go to. This example subscribes to firing off Webhooks every time that a Run in ION is created.

# Create a receiver
mutation CreateWebhookReceiver($input: CreateWebhookReceiverInput!) {
    createWebhookReceiver(input: $input) {
        webhookReceiver {
            id name description webhookUri sharedSecret contentType expectedResponseCode
            active subscriptions { resource action id } headers { key value id }

# Input
  "input": {
    "name": "Our example server",
    "webhookUri": "https://whoknows.where.this.leads"
# Subscribe to new runs that are created
mutation CreateWebhookSubscription($input: CreateWebhookSubscriptionInput!) {
    createWebhookSubscription(input: $input) {
        webhookSubscription {
            resource action id active receiverId events { id status }

# Input
  "input": {
    "receiverId": 1,
    "resource": "RUNS",
    "action": "CREATE"

Webhook examples - Query existing webhooks

See all webhook receivers

    webhookReceivers {
      edges {
        node {
  webhookSubscriptions {
    edges {
      node {
        createdBy {
        receiver {

Disable Existing Webhooks

You can disable entire receivers or disable individual subscriptions for each receiver.

Disable Receiver

mutation UpdateWebhookReceiver($input: UpdateWebhookReceiverInput!) {
    updateWebhookReceiver(input: $input) {
        webhookReceiver {
            id active _etag name subscriptions { id active resource action}


  "input": {
    "id": 12,
    "etag": "abc123def456asdasd",
    "active": false

Disable Subscription

mutation UpdateWebhookSubscription($input: UpdateWebhookSubscriptionInput!) {
    updateWebhookSubscription(input: $input) {
        webhookSubscription {
            id active _etag action resource receiver { id }


  "input": {
    "id": 12,
    "etag": "abc123def456asdasd",
    "active": false

Last updated

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