Sample templates

Here's an example of a few basic templates created with a barcode and text:

1x1 Inventory Label
3x1 Inventory Label


^FO130,85^A0,32^FDRev: ${part.revision}^FS
^FO130,155^A0,25^FDSN: ${serialNumber}^FS
^FO330,155^A0,25^FDLot: ${lotNumber}^FS
3x1 Logo Label
^FX Company Logo
^FX Text Part Detail Section
^FO 80,2  ^FD ${part.description} ^FS
^FO 80,22  ^FD P/N: ${part.partNumber} ^FS
^FO 80,47  ^FD UOM: ${unitOfMeasure.type} ^FS
^FO 80,72  ^FD PO: ^FS
^FO 80,97 ^FD S/N: ${serialNumber} ^FS
^FO 80,122 ^FD Lot: ${lotNumber} ^FS
^FO 80,147  ^FD Custom Attribute: XX"^FS
^FO 80,172 ^FD Custom Attribute: XX^FS
^FX Status and Part Revision
^FO 380,20^GB50,50,6^FS
^FO 380,38 ^FD XX^FS
^FO 380,75^GB50,50,3^FS
^FO 380,85 ^FD Rev^FS
^FO 380,105 ^FD ${part.revision}^FS
^FX QR Code
^FO 450,20 ^BQN,2,3,Q,7 ^FDQA,${iuid}^FS
^FO 380, 135 ^FD Qty: ${quantity} ^FS
^FO 380, 155 ^FD UID: ${id} ^FS

You can use Labelary to add an image for your logo (or any other image you'd like to add) using this website. The image gets encoded as a Base64 string. See here for this example.

You can get a better understanding of the code by checking out this programming guide!

Note: For the QR code on line 3 of the above template, it includes "QA,". This is added to ensure all characters show up in the barcode as outlined here.

Last updated

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