Drive demand below buy parts configuration

Toggle whether demand should be driven below buy parts


Depending on your relationships with suppliers, it may be useful to drive demand below purchased parts when they have mBOMs. One example where this is helpful is if you have purchased assemblies where you are providing components to the supplier.

Alternatively, if the majority of your cases are where the supplier is procuring the subcomponents, this may not be desireable.

This setting below allows you to toggle this setting for your factory.

Turning the setting on

For now, this setting is API only.

First, query your organization to get properties that we'll use in the following step:

  organization(id: 1) {
    settings {
      plans {

When this value is not set, Autoplan will create demand for subcomponents below purchased parts. To set this value to false, run the following mutation:

mutation UpdateOrganization($input: UpdateOrganizationInput!) {
  updateOrganization(input: $input) {
    organization {
      settings {
        plans {

with this input. Make sure to use the etag from the first query:

  "input": {
    "id": 1,
    "etag": <etag from previous step>,
    "settings": {
      "plans": {
        "driveDemandBelowPurchasedParts": false

Last updated