ION Actions for Intent

Deploy intent through the ION Marketplace.

Helpful Tips:

To view what rules are currently deployed in your environment look at the documentation linked here. The documentation also outline how to enable or disable the rules if you desire to change them.


Step 1: General Integration Setup

  • Follow the generic integrations and automations setup how-to page here. This helps establish your API credentials.

Step 2: Intent Specific Configuration

  • Firstly, you must set up custom attributes in your ION organizational settings menu.

  • Create new SELECT type Attributes in the Part Inventory, Parts, and Run objects attribute sections. The attribute must be named identically and IS case sensitive. The options for the select must also be identical for each object.

  • When it's setup, the field will look something like below:

    Parts Inventory Object Attribute Setup
  • Common names for intent/pedigree tiers in different industries are show in the table below. You can use this as a baseline or populate your own options.

IndustryHighest IntentSecond IntentLowest Intent













  • Next, setup automation parameters. Descriptions of what are expected in the fields are shown in the image below. The Pedigree Attribute Key is the Custom Attribute Name you have setup in your ION Organizational settings.

Intent Attributes to Match ION
  • You will notice one toggle available for this integration. This allows you to specify wether you want the rule enabled or not. If you're deploying for the first time you'll want this toggled on to Enabled/

Step 3: Configuration of Rollout Methodology

The last field you will find on deployment is the toggle below that defines the default intent of parts that haven't had their intent defined.

Option 1 Selected
  • Option 1: Halt Assembly of Product Without Intent Defined ON

    • Most safeguarded roll out.

    • On deployment, intent of the parent part in a run's mBOM is always assumed to be Tier 1 (FLIGHT in the case of aerospace).

    • The parts getting installed on the run to build the parent part are then assumed to be the lowest tier Tier 3 (ENGINEERING).

    • Thus, effectively blocking the assembly of anything that has not been assigned a tier 1 intent.

  • Option 2: Halt Assrmbly of Porduct Without Intent Defined OFF

    • Least stringent roll out

    • On deployment, the intent of parent parts in a run's mBOM is always assumed to be Tier 3 (ENGINEERING).

    • The parts getting installed on the run to build the parent part are then assumed to be the lowest tier Tier 3 (ENGINEERING).

    • Thus, any part will be able to be installed on any assembly until intent Tiers are raised.

Disabling Intent Rules

  • To disable any of the intent rules you have deployed you can follow Step 5 on the ION Actions page.

  • The change you'll want to make in the mutation is converting the "enabled" field from true to false.

Last updated