Purchasing in NetSuite, Receiving in ION

Sync purchase orders created, approved, or rejected in NetSuite with ION Purchases. This integration allows your organization to utilize NetSuite's advanced purchase order approvals, accounting, and finance systems. Once the purchase order is created in ION, receive the inventory from each purchase order and sync the receipts into NetSuite so you can 3 way match.

Use the Setup below for instructions on how to deploy this integration.


  • Purchases that do not yet exist in ION will be created and a custom attribute called "Netsuite PO Number" will store the NetSuite PO Number associated with the ION Purchase. These will not match so please use this value to compare NetSuite against ION.

    • Purchase order updates like line changes or header changes will be reflected on the ION side

  • Suppliers will be created in ION if they do not exist at the time of purchase

  • Parts need to be manually maintained in both systems for the ION purchase to be correctly populated. Warning logs will appear that let you know when parts or suppliers do not exist in ION.

  • Receiving: Upon saving a receipt in ion (pressing Save Receipt), an itemReceipt will be created in NetSuite for the purchase order linked to the receipt.

  • Upon closing a PO in NetSuite, open purchase order lines in ION will be canceled

  • Upon deleting a PO in NetSuite the PO will be deleted in ION

Purchase Order Statuses

NetSuite Status
ION Status

Pending Supervisor Approval


Approved by Supervisor

Pending Receipt Partially Received


Pending Bill,

Fully Billed





  1. Follow the initial setup on the Automations page to get started.

  2. To authenticate with NetSuite, please follow these instructions as an administrator:

    1. Enable SuiteTalk

      • Navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features

      • Under the Suite Cloud tab, ensure that both REST WEB SERVICES and OAUTH 2.0 are checked.

    2. To Create an OAuth 2.0 app with JWT Option

      • Go to Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations > New

      • Give your integration a name and a description.

      • Un-check TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION and TBA: AUTHORIZATION FLOW under Token-based Authentication

      • Ensure the following are checked under OAuth 2.0



      • Take note of and save your CONSUMER KEY and CONSUMER SECRET as it will not be shown again in Netsuite after this step

    3. Generating the Certificate ID and Private Key for JWT

      • A private key is required for JWT-based authentication. Follow the steps below or refer to the NetSuite Documentation for generating or importing a private key.

      • On your machine create a valid certificate abiding by the Netsuite requirements using OpenSSL in a terminal. This will generate two .pem files on your local machine containing key used as the Private Key for JWT information and the certificate for the next step

        • Example query: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -keyout auth-key.pem -out auth-cert.pem -nodes -days 730

        • .pem files generated: auth-key.pem, auth-cert.pem

      • In Netsuite, navigate to Setup > Integration > OAUTH 2.0 CLIENT (M2M) SETUP and select Create New

      • Choose the proper Entity, Role, and select the Application created in the previous section.

      • For Certificate choose the auth-cert.pem file generated in the previous steps.

      • Press save

      • Once saved, a Certificate ID is generated. Save this for the Prismatic integration.

    4. In your Prismatic Integration Connection configuration Select the Netsuite OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials connection Type and enter the following:

  3. For the integration to work successfully you need to create the following custom attributes in your organization settings:

    1. purchase order -- key: "Netsuite PO Number", type: String

    2. purchase order -- key: "Netsuite RecordID", type: String

    3. purchase order line -- key: "Non-receivable", type: Boolean

    4. purchase order line -- key: "ns_line_id", type: Number

  4. Configure your custom attributes by mapping ION custom attribute name (left) to the attribute name in your Netsuite instance. Below is an EXAMPLE of what a mapping can look like. Please reach out to your Netsuite IT administrator or consultant to get a list of attributes to map.

  1. Hit Finish and take note of the URL for the Purchasing Flow

    Hit the clipboard icon to copy this URL. You will need this in the next step
  2. Create a custom script by navigating to Customization > Scripting. Save the below script locally and use that when creating a new script. The script that will send updates to ION when Purchase Orders in NetSuite are updated and created. Update the URL in the HTTPS POST method to the URL you copied from above.

    1. WARNING: When you upload the script, ensure that your script name has .js after it or you will get a 'MODULE NOT FOUND' error when saving a purchase order.

Save this code and upload it to NetSuite when creating a Script
 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount 

define(['N/https', 'N/record', 'N/log'], function(https, record, log) {

    function afterSubmit(context) {
        var newRecord = context.newRecord;
        var purchaseOrderId = newRecord.id;
        var eventType = context.type;
        var poData = {
            POId: purchaseOrderId,
            eventType: eventType  // 'create', 'edit', or 'delete'
        if (eventType === 'delete') {
            // Handle deletion
            poData.message = "Delete this purchase order in ION";
        } else {
            // Handle create or edit
            var poRecord = record.load({
                type: record.Type.PURCHASE_ORDER,
                id: purchaseOrderId,
                isDynamic: true
            poData.tranId = poRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'tranid' });
            poData.date = poRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'trandate' });
            poData.vendor = poRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'entity' });
            poData.status = poRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'status' });

        log.debug("poData", poData);
        var payload = JSON.stringify(poData);
        var response = https.post({
            url: 'https://hooks.prismatic.io/trigger/SW5zdGFuY2VGbG93Q29uZmlnOjVkM2NkNWFhLWNhMmUtNDY5MC1iOWFlLTdmZmE0NzkxNzQ1MQ==', 
            body: payload,
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        var responseBody = response.body;
        var responseCode = response.code;
        log.debug('HTTP Response', 'Code: ' + responseCode + ', Body: ' + responseBody);
    return {
        afterSubmit: afterSubmit

Script Creation in NetSuite
  1. Hit Deploy Script and deploy the script to Purchase Orders. Set the attributes according to the image below.

Script Deployment in NetSuite

Close/Cancellation Functionality:

How it works: When you close a purchase order in NetSuite the corresponding purchase order in ION will be cancelled, which moves unreceived lines to unavailable.

To setup the cancellation functionality you will need to create a mass update script that will scan for closed purchase orders daily and will then run an edit/save update on each; triggering the integration to run and cancel the ION PO. Here is what that mass update will look like:

Last updated

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