Kit Statuses and Workflows

The kit has predefined statuses to help you speed up your inventory delivery

Below are the various stages of a kit and how to make the most of them. Remember, you can move from any status to any status in ION

Draft: This is the default status of a newly created kit. As a manufacturing engineer or technician, you should use this status when filling out parts that you need at the lineside or at any other location. At this stage, set the deliver to location of the kit.

Requested: Once the creator of the kit has finished determine what parts are needed and where, then set the status of the kit to requested. Inventory teams can filter for kits that are requested to understand which are ready to be actioned on. At this stage, you can assign the kit to the appropriate team member to fulfill.

In Progress: Once you are kitting the relevant inventory for a kit, mark the kit as in progress to show both other inventory personnel and the kit requestor that the kit is already being worked on. Kitted inventory will be marked with the kitted status.

Delivered: After delivering the kit, mark the kit as delivered. This will set all of the inventory in the kit to the location of the kit's deliver to location automatically.

Completed: If you need to return a kit ot part of a kit back to your warehouse, mark the kit as completed. This will mark the inventory that has not been installed as available. This however will not change the location of the inventory that is being returned. You can use the current location of the kit to change location of the kitted inventory all at once.

Canceled: When a kit is no longer needed, mark it as canceled.

Last updated

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