Standard Steps

In a manufacturing environment, it's common to build up standard processes for working with similar parts. For example, all parts built out of a certain material my need an extra inspection method to make sure they haven't been damaged in production. It can be tedious to copy and paste the same instructions between many different procedures and introduces a risk that the instructions may not be copied correctly.

Standard Steps are designed to combat this problem by introducing a new type of step that can be shared between procedures. Standard steps can be independently revisioned from procedures. When a standard step is updated, it is automatically updated in all procedures and runs where it is used.

Standard steps are called out with blue S icon or the words Standard Step

Creating Standard Steps

Navigate to the standard steps view by clicking on Procedures in the sidebar. Standard Steps is displayed as a sub-heading of Procedures. You can navigate standard steps using both a card view and a list view.

The creation interface for standard steps is very similar to the Procedure creation interface, but there is no dependency editor or or part linker. Only one step is shown. Edit the standard step as you would a regular step. You can also optionally add child steps for longer more complicated operations, but you cannot add a standard step as a child step.

Standard steps use the same review process as procedures. To release a step, change its state to Review and add reviewers as required. When all reviewers have signed off, the step switches state to Released and may be copied into procedures and runs.

Using Standard Steps

You can use standard steps in any place a regular step can be used. When creating a new step in a procedure or in a redline, enter the name of the standard step and select it from the step copy dialog.

Standard Steps can be also used as child steps to standardize one part of a larger action.

Standard Steps in Procedures and Runs will display the content of the most recently released version. For example, if you used version 1 of a standard step in procedure A and then released version 2 the standard step in procedure A will automatically update to reflect the changes in version 2.

After a standard step in a Run has been started, it will "disconnect" from the main standard step and stop updating. This is to maintain the Run's purpose as an accurate record of what actions were done.

Executing Standard Steps in Runs

Execute a standard step the same way you execute a regular step in a Run.

When executed, the title of the standard step will update with the version number it used at execution time.

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